This is a list of episodes in the animated series Pokémon, named Pokémon: Indigo League for the DVD releases. The episodes aired in Japan as Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?), covering the first season of the series about the adventures of series protagonist Ash Ketchum and his friends Misty and Brock on the way to the Indigo Plateau. The episodes were directed by Masamitsu Hidaka and produced by Oriental Light and Magic and TV Tokyo.
On US television, how the seasons are organized is changed: the first 52 episodes that aired in the US are a part of the first season, and the remaining 28 episodes are a part of Season 2 (and Beauty and the Beach of Indigo League is aired during Season 2), followed by 25 Adventures in the Orange Islands episodes. On DVD, Season 1 is made up of all 80 Indigo League episodes that aired in the USA.
Download Pokemon Indigo 1-20 (1.6GB)
Kk tolong lanjut dong pokemon original series nya
ReplyDeleteyang advantures orange island bang
ReplyDeletemin tolong di lanjutkan episode selanjutnya,saya sangkut di episode 42
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