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Jan 18, 2016

DOTA 2 : Luna Cosplay

Luna the Moon Rider is a Ranged Agility carry hero. Even though she can be seen as a tempting target for enemy heroes, Luna possesses solid early game laning presence due to her Lucent Beams, a cheap, low-cooldown nuke, and her Lunar Blessing aura, which grants all nearby allied heroes increased damage. Mid-game, she becomes far more formidable with Moon Glaives, allowing her to kill entire creep waves with two to three attacks, and Eclipse, which can very quickly kill a hero if that hero is unfortunate enough to catch its full blast. Her Achilles' Heel is her fragility; she has no escape abilities and cannot handle a lot of punishment, relying on her enormous movement speed to keep her out of harm's way. Luna begins and ends a match dangerously, and if played carefully and skillfully, she will destroy anybody who stands against her.


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